“Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward" (Hebrews 10:35). If you are a Christian, you are in a fierce war. In fact, you're in a life-and-death battle for your faith. Satan is determined to shipwreck and destroy the faith of all of God's elect. And the stronger your faith, the greater will be his attack against it.
You see, unshakable faith in the Lord causes hell to rage. Nothing poses a greater threat to Satan's kingdom than a Christian who is immovable in faith. Why? Because it is by faith and its released power that Satan's kingdom is subdued. By faith, righteousness is born and demonic fires are quenched. God's promises are obtained and the mouths of lions are shut.
The apostle Peter came under a ferocious attack against his faith. His trust in Jesus so enraged hell that Satan asked permission to sift him to see if he would stand. "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" (Luke 22:31-32).
God has given us a powerful weapon to use against Satan's attacks on our faith. We are not to try to figure everything out. Rather, we are to set our eyes on "the great cloud of witnesses" already in glory who have made it through with their faith intact. (Hebrews 12:1).
What a picture. This verse depicts an army of victorious saints from every era, beholding us watchfully like a crowd in the bleachers. They're wearing crowns of righteousness and waving palms as they cheer us on in our race: "Run with patience! We fought to the death and didn't fall. God kept us, and our faith prevailed. The truth works: We won! We are overcomers. So you keep on. You can overcome in hard times."