Let there be no misunderstanding: Our God is a tender, loving Father. There is a time to weep, a time to vent our fears. And right now many in the Body of Christ are overcome by fears of the future, fears about how they’re going to make it through.
As a pastor for many years, I didn’t take this issue lightly. Often I prayed, “Lord, are You demanding that Your people rejoice when they’re unemployed and losing their homes? They are in despair because they’re suffering. They don’t feel like singing. Can’t You cut them some slack?”
Throughout the gospels we see the Lord rebuking His disciples for their unbelief, saying, “Where is your faith?” (Luke 8:25). It is a scene we see played over and over again. And in the Old Testament, back at the Red Sea when the children of Israel were questioning their leader, I believe the Lord was not rebuking Moses when He asked him, “Why are you crying to me?” (see Exodus 14:15). Rather, God didn’t take kindly to the people’s insults. They had insinuated that He was going to allow them to be destroyed by the enemy. And He was offended by their accusations.
When we are hurting we are to cry out to the Lord. When we are in anguish over our situation, we are to pray, “Lord, help!” We are to bring Him all of our hurt and disappointment, for He desires to hear us. Then, after we pour out our heart to Him, He wants us to rise up in faith, face our trial, and proclaim, “I can do nothing on my own. God is my strength. Therefore, I will not fear. I’m going to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (see Exodus 14:13).