Wine in the Bible represents joy and gladness. “Wine that makes glad the heart of man” (Psalm 104:15). In the New Testament, “new wine” is a type of the Holy Spirit.
Yet as I look at the Church today, I see wine jars that are empty. Why? As almost every biblical prophet has said, “Sin takes away mirth and gladness.”
For every mother, father and grandparent who has prayed so long for their lost young one: Hold on. Jesus is watching and waiting. His hour on your child’s behalf is about to come.
The fact is, your boy or girl may still be drinking the old wine of this world. They can’t give up their old friends. They still harbor hurts from the church, holding grudges and having lingering doubts. But the vessels holding that old wine are about to run dry. Their friends will fail them and they’ll be overcome with emptiness.
When that moment comes — when all their efforts have failed — you will see God’s hour of power. Only a miracle of His grace can bring true deliverance. So, keep on praying. God will keep His word to you!
In light of all this, what are we to do?
Mary, Jesus’ mother, gives us the answer. At Cana, she told the disciples, “Just do what He tells you” (see John 2:5). Beloved, He is the new wine, the source of all joy and gladness. And He will tell you what He would have you do. Read His Word — and then do it!