God, by His Spirit, creates peace—He causes it to happen—and He creates it in you.

I’m not just talking about peace with God. The peace He creates in you is peace of mind, a peace that springs up and flows within, healing, stabilizing, building confidence.

When you have such peace, you stop trying to play God. You stop trying to solve your problems and everyone else’s. You stop playing over in your mind what might happen, what fearful thing might come to pass.

Instead, you bring every thought into captivity. You are able to do this because you stand in the peace God has created in you. You begin to trust and accept His love and you start believing the promises of His Word.

Beloved, I urge you to ask the Spirit for a greater measure of faith concerning His love for you. Ask Him to create in you a greater flow of God’s peace. His peace will come supernaturally, miraculously, when you have yielded all to Him. Then the Lord will bring forth His peace as the fruit of your lips.

True peace can’t be faked; the world recognizes it when it is in someone. The Holy Spirit will make His peace in your life known to those around you. It won’t be your peace that speaks to them, but the Spirit’s. It will move them, causing them to ask you for prayer, prayer that will touch them and bring healing.

As the gathering clouds cause fear in the world, may God’s people walk according to this word from Paul: “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts” (Colossians 3:15).