“By faith Enoch was translated” (Hebrews 11:5).

This is an incredible truth, almost beyond our comprehension. All of Enoch’s faith was focused on the one great desire of his heart: to be with the Lord. Enoch could no longer bear to stand behind the veil—he just had to see the Lord—so God translated him in answer to his faith.

Our brother Enoch had no Bible, no songbook, no teacher, no indwelling Holy Spirit, no torn veil with access to the Holy of Holies. But he knew God!

“He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). How do we know Enoch believed that God was a rewarder? Because that is the only faith that pleases God—and we know that Enoch pleased Him! God is a remunerator, that is, one who pays well for faithfulness. How does the Lord reward His diligent ones?

Three important rewards come by believing God and walking with Him in faith:
  1. The first reward is God’s control of our lives. The person who neglects the Lord soon spins out of control as the devil moves in and takes over. If only he would fall in love with Jesus, walking and talking with Him! God would soon show this person that Satan has no real dominion over him and he would allow Christ to control him. 
  2. The second reward that comes by faith is having “pure light.” When we walk with the Lord, we are rewarded with light, direction, discernment, revelation—a certain “knowing” that God gives us. 
  3. The third reward that comes with a walk of faith is protection from all our enemies. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). In the original Hebrew, this verse is translated as: “No plan, no instrument of destruction, no satanic artillery shall push you or run over you, but it will be done away with.”