When it comes to the resources of heaven, the prophet Zechariah speaks a powerful yet mysterious word: “On that day the LORD will defend the people of Jerusalem; the weakest among them will be as mighty as King David! And the royal descendants will be like God, like the angel of the LORD who goes before them!” (Zechariah 12:8, NLT).

Zechariah was looking down through history to our day. Because of Christ’s work for us, even the weakest Christian will be as strong as David, Israel’s greatest king. And the strongest believer will “be like God,” meaning, like Christ. It all sounds outlandish. Yet in this prophecy, God gives us an image of the resources He has made available to His Church. The reserves of heaven’s bank are meant to come pouring out on us to His great glory, especially in our trials.

Much of the Church has yet to grasp this. When some Christians come to the teller’s window, they stand mute. The Holy Spirit asks them, “What can I do for you?” but they don’t know to ask for the wealth available to them. Instead, they answer, “Lord, just give me whatever You want to. I don’t have any ambition, but You are sovereign. You can do as You please.”

That may sound humble, even godly, but Scripture suggests this attitude actually frustrates the Holy Spirit. His response is, “What do you mean there’s nothing in your heart? Don’t you see the enemy at work ravaging the lives of people you love? Don’t you see loved ones in fear and bondage who would be set free if only they knew My delivering power? Look around. There are kingdoms to conquer, enemies to slay, demons to cast out!”

Paul tells us to “earnestly desire the spiritual gifts.” That means when we come to the teller’s window, our request ought to be, “Lord, I have the gift of faith. Could You also give me the gift of evangelism, so I might bring others to faith?” Or, “Lord, You’ve gifted me with prophecy. Please, give me a word today for my sister who’s enduring great pain with no hope.”

One of the greatest lessons my father, David Wilkerson, taught me was, “You can have as much of Jesus as you want.” My message in turn is to say to you: Go to the teller’s window and ask extravagantly!