I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a one-paragraph description of faith so that the boys in our Teen Challenge drug center could understand it. I have a book in my library that uses over three hundred pages to define faith, and I never understood it. (I don’t think the man who wrote it understood it either.)


Moses once asked the same questions we ask: “Who am I?—Who is God?—Describe him.” God answered Moses in two words. God said, “Moses, tell the people, ‘I AM’ sent you” (see Exodus 3:14). (According to modern thinking, God oversimplified himself.)


Can you imagine Moses telling people when they ask, “Who sent you?” that “I AM sent me”?


I AM who? What do you need?  Deliverance? Then I AM deliverance. I AM whatever you need. 


Faith is God saying, “I AM” and my answering, “HE IS.” Faith simply accepts God’s description of himself. God says, “I am delivering you from the storm.” I say, “He is delivering me from the storm.”


Faith is taking God at what he says HE IS.


What is the storm in your life? How do you face it?


Ask him to give you faith to believe. Ask him no matter what happens—no matter what conditions you face. The storm is the way out!


Paul said, “I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). I believe that the moment faith gripped Paul, he was content. He was in the center of God’s will and he had the promise of God. He had prayed through. It didn’t matter what happened from that moment on. God had taken the sting out of the storm.


He can take the fear out of the storm for you, too. Will you let him? Ride out your storm—God is not about to let you go under.